Summary of The Epic of God
The Epic of God is a story about relationship. Relationship between God and His creation. It is about the heart of God and His divine struggle for a bride and family that would relate to Him, in intimate love, of their own free will, and rule with Him over His creation.
This story is also about God’s abhorrence of and battle with iniquity, a thing He did not create, but which threatened the very existence of all He had created. The power of free will opened the door to rebellion by some of the angels and by the human race. The rebellion of humankind posed a barrier to relationship with God that could only be removed by God Himself in the person of the Son of God, Jesus, coming in the flesh, as a man, and offering His sinless body to be put to death as an acceptable sacrifice for salvation, redemption, and reconciliation.
The blood of Jesus resolved the tension between the requirement of a holy God for justice and judgment of sin, and His desire to show mercy and grace so that He could intimately love the object of His affection; those of the human race who were repentant, loved Him, and believed in the Son of God.
This is also the story of the interaction of the spiritual and the physical, two dimensions existing side by side and marked by unseen battles of spirits for the control of Heaven and for the future of humankind and the physical universe. In the end, God gets the family He sought through the ages, including a bride for God the Son, and He extravagantly pours out His love on them, beginning with the promise of a Messiah and on through eternity. The angelic and human rebels get quarantined in hell, bringing an end to the temporary period when iniquity and rebellion wreaked havoc and resisted the plan of God.
This book is important because it uniquely tells the story of God and from eternity past to eternity future. It highlights the interaction between the spiritual and physical realms. This book will improve the reader’s life by giving the reader an appreciation for the extent God has pursued them in love.
Have you ever wondered what was in God’s mind before creation? Have you ever thought of what it would be like after Christ’s return? God has a story, an epic of His very own. Before everything that was created, before there were towering mountains and beaming trees, before there were animals that roamed and grazed, and before man breathed his first breath, there was God.
Genesis 1:1 states that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What was the beginning like? God, who is the perfect radiance of love and unity who communes within Himself in Father, Spirit, and Son chose out of his infinite power and unending creativity to express himself in the spiritual and in the physical order through the things that he has fashioned. It is this God, who was shrouded in deep silence and mystery, that has revealed himself to his creation. God, out of his deep love, chose to go on a journey of epic proportions. This all seeing, all powerful God would choose to undergo pain, hurt, suffering, and victory!
Louis McCall wonderfully illustrates God’s Epic. God’s story, his epic is the story of our own. It’s the story that involves all of creation! The Epic of God, although fictitious, caries the truth of the heart of God for all of us and answers questions of what things could have been like from the beginning of time before creation all the way to the very end of time itself.
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, President Christ for all Nations
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