Category "reviews"

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Literary Titan Review for He Chose the Glory

He Chose the Glory: The Life and Legacy of Obed-Edom by Louis McCall is a beautifully written book depicting stories told in the Bible. The book details the conditions and storylines surrounding the building of the Ark and how many townspeople were eager to look inside it or treat it as a trophy, only to receive retribution for their actions.

Mike M. Review

I am keeping the book close by on my nightstand to take it apart and get some daily inspiration from it. Mike M.

Patricia B. Review

This book is worth reading again and again for the veritable power of the message it brings.  Patricia B.

Daryl D. Review

The most potent understanding I received was that through the words of my mouth I can enter in the very presence of the Almighty God. Ultimately, because of this book, my understanding of prayer’s power has increased substantially; moreover, my […]

Alejandro G. Review

This is more than a book; it’s an instrument to help you see that all of your God-given dreams are at the tip of your tongue – literally. Alejandro G.

Dennis P. Review

Great job Louis for helping us to not pray according to our feelings and emotions, but using the sword of the Spirit skillfully and effectively! Everyone needs this book in their resource arsenal! Dennis P.

Peter E. Review

“The book helped me gain insight on how we should pray. In my life I just focused on why we should pray. My prayer has become more meaningful and sincere as I now feel I have a better direction for […]