Testimonials for The Epic of God
It is a great pleasure for me to write an endorsement for the book “The Epic of God,” for my dear friend, Louis McCall. My late husband, Mark, and I came to know Louis as a friend and supporter during his time in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India in the 1980s. Although he was a Consul at the American Consulate General at that time, he was an active and faithful participant in our mission. His living testimony, including his public and private witness, was of one who was not ashamed of the gospel. His friendship and interest in our mission Calcutta Mercy has endured.
Louis’ book, The Epic of God, provides a unique speculative view into the entire sweep of God’s history and future in relation to the people He created and loved. God loved the people so much that He sent His own Son to pay the price of their sin and redeem them back to an unhindered relationship with Himself. Just as our Lord Jesus used parables to reach His audiences, Louis skillfully uses this modern parable, closely aligned with scripture, to open the eyes of the reader to the nature of God and His unfailing love toward the human race. The Epic of God helps the reader to understand the heart of God and His divine struggle to win wayward people and nations back to Himself. God persevered despite the oftentimes unfaithfulness of people and despite the efforts of the devil, and his fallen cohort of evil angels and demons, to lure them from God in order to enslave them. I believe this book will be a source of understanding, revelation, and real blessing to each reader.
In this modern day of imaginary super heroes and false self-proclaimed saviors, I am sure this book will reveal the true hero and lover of our souls. I am thrilled that God has chosen a committed Christian such as Louis to tell this story in a way that it has not been told before. The Epic of God is perfect for our time. I heartily recommend it for your library of inspirational Christian literature.
Rev. (Dr.) Huldah Buntain
President, Assemblies of God Mission
Calcutta, India
The Epic of God masterfully and creatively unfolds the history of creation and the saga of its relationship with the Creator. McCall uses creative license to draw the reader into the story, giving the opportunity to ponder well-known events with a new and fresh perspective. You won’t be able to put the book down as you find yourself wondering how a story that you’ve heard your whole life will end. Beyond the story-telling, though, you will feel as perhaps you’ve never felt before, the love of a Creator, who went to painstakingly great lengths to reunite with His creation. Don’t just read this book. Join the story. Reflect on it. And, let it have its eternal impact on you.
Harrison Wilder, President
The Wilder Foundation
Author of The Honor Cycle
The “Epic of God” is a wonderfully written story drawn from the unique well-known writings found in the Bible. A biblical story only God, the creator of time and everything drawn in it, could create. The “Epic of God” may be a fictional story but its characterization is well narrated by a fictional Godly angel who brings it to life. This fictional creature of God delivers his visual accounts of each biblical personality and his review, which is the original biblical account, is the makings of the “Epic of God.” Author, Louis McCall, beautifully wrote “Epic of God” as an enjoyable easy read. Louis McCall carries your read through each biblical book from Genesis to Revelation. He glides you into the sights and sounds before creation, through creation completion, into the lives of those who followed and worshiped God. This beautiful narration introduces you to whom Lucifer was before he became Satan in Genesis, his never ending battles against God, to his final demise in Revelation. I recommend you acquire your copy of “Epic of God.” You need to read for yourself how this fictional story carries you through the biblical accounts of the Bible. You’ll discover the complete biblical story through this easy to understand read. The “Epic of God” just might be the read that sparks your desire to read God’s book, the Holy Bible. I congratulate you, Louis McCall, your book, “Epic of God,” is well done. Yes! Well done indeed!
Cheryl L. Davis
Author of many Christian books
Louis has, very impassionately, revealed his deep and concise understanding of Biblical norms while conscientiously challenging people to think out of the box about stories which certainly allow for a bit of license. What a masterpiece of a must-read and totally absorbing Genesis to Revelation narrative. This should also be made into an epic Biblical television series.
Philip DeVries, Chairman
Life Enterprises
George, Western Cape
Republic of South Africa
It is a great honor to have the opportunity to write an endorsement for Dr. Louis McCall’s book, “The Epic of God.” My name is Winston Broomes, Jr. I am the son of the first Missionaries from the Caribbean to Africa, Apostles Drs. Winston, Sr. and Gloria Broomes. They arrived in Africa in 1976, and we all had the privilege of meeting Dr. McCall who was at the time, the U.S. Vice Consul to Zambia.
Many thanks are owed to Dr. McCall for teaching my dad how to play lawn tennis, a sport that my dad would later teach me and we played for many decades. Dr. McCall not only served his country more importantly, he served God. One of the first churches that my parents planted was located in Ngombe, Lusaka. Dr. McCall and Rev. Winston Siwale, gave leadership to that church plant.
Dr. McCall could often be found at the altar. He worked closely with Apostle Dr. Winston Broomes in the Deliverance Ministry. Together they witnessed many lives being transformed and delivered through the power of Jesus in Zambia.
In his book, “The Epic of God,” Dr. Louis McCall takes us on an adventure through the Bible. This book will inspire you as you take a ride through the eyes of Benelroi. You will find out who that is. Sit back and enjoy the ride. You will gain an understanding of the Epic of God from Genesis to Revelation. This book will touch your life. I pray God’s blessings upon Dr. Louis McCall and this book.
Rev. Winston Broomes, Jr., Senior Pastor
Grace Assembly of God
Atlantic City, New Jersey
I first met Dr. Louis McCall while serving with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada as the Field Secretary’s Representative in Zambia. We lived in the capital city, Lusaka, where Louis was employed at the American Embassy as the Vice Consul. We were introduced after a Sunday morning service at Northmead Assembly on October 24th, 1976. A bond of friendship began and grew over time.
Dr. McCall was a faithful servant of the Lord with a deep desire to share God’s love and the truth of the Gospel in all circumstances. We enjoyed times of fellowship in both his home and ours. When a plot of land was allocated for us to build a new church at N’gombe Township, Louis was there to help. He purchased necessary materials and transported them to the building site. Whatever Dr. McCall did, he did with all his might, to extend God’s Kingdom and bring glory to His Name. Dr. McCall taught a Bible Study in both his home church and one of the compound churches. His deep understanding of God’s Word enabled him to teach biblical truths so they were easily understood by those with a desire to learn, regardless of their level of education.
What I find interesting and enjoyable about “The Epic of God” is how Louis recounts Biblical stories and proposes details where scripture is silent. Though this book is speculative fiction, I appreciate that he maintains the truth of God’s Word when he retells Biblical stories. Louis is a man of vision and the Word, so we know “The Epic of God” will be an exciting and thought-provoking read. We unreservedly recommend Dr. McCall as a writer and as a person, as a humble man of God.
Robert Seaboyer
London, Ontario
Dr. Louis McCall’s life journey is encouraging, inspiring, and exciting. Dr. McCall takes us on an encouraging, inspiring, and exciting journey in The Epic of God. His depiction of getting to know God through lenses different than what we experience everyday challenges us to celebrate the vastness of God. In The Epic of God, Dr. McCall captures his heart for the truth and the power of the scriptures.
Marion Mason
Echostage Campus Pastor
National Community Church
Washington, D.C.
Contact the Author
- Tel(240)463-6238
- Maillouismccall85@gmail.com
- AddLouis McCall International, P.O. Box 60211, Washington, DC 20039